Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Back to Blogging

After a couple of moths of not blogging, I've decided that I'm going to get back in the groove. Consider it a pre New Years Resolution! And of course, I would pick the biggest week of the semester to start a new hobby. Some call it procrastination - I call it relaxation.

Christmas and spring time are easily my favorite times of the year. These seasons can put a smile on someone even in the toughest of times, and that's exactly what Christmas has done for me this year.

I mentioned that this was a busy week earlier - let me announce that my boyfriend, Gatlan (aka: Gat, Gataruski, lover boy...anything that remotely sounds affectionate, etc) is graduating with a master's in meat science from Texas A&M University! Whoop! While I am very proud and happy that he is starting his first job on Monday, I haven't decided how I am going to handle not having my best friend with me all the time. Looks like I'll actually have to study... shucks! I am excited about my outfit for graduation though - pictures to come later!

Finally, just to catch you up on my life, my grandfather, "Pop," has been in the hospital battling colon cancer and all of the complications that come with it. Luckily, my prayers have been answered and he is more than likely going to be able to come home for the holidays! He's not completely healed, but he is getting better each and every day. :)

One more thing: At the end of each blog, I'm going to include a prayer list. If you could spare some time, these are things that are important to my family, friends, and me!

Prayers needed: Healing for Pop, Gatlan as he starts his first job, all of the graduates at TAMU

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